Seamus after the Wing Bowl
Wing Bowl X

Seamus Finishes Second!

133 wings total, only 10 behind  3 time Champ El Wigador's 143. Seamus ate enough wings that his total would of won 5 of the past Wingbowls.


And then there were two.........
Seamus and El Wingador going at it.


To qualify for Wing Bowl X, Seamus ate 5 Wendy's Triple Cheeseburgers plus half a wrapper in 12 minutes.


He quickly earned respect by advancing easily to the second round and then defeating all the ex-champions of past Wing Bowls.

Click the link below for more pictures of Seamus after the Wing Bowl in the First Union Center parking lot.

Seamus after the Wing Bowl


Not given much of a chance because of the return of many of the past champions,  WIP's Al Morganti set the first time entry Seamus' odds at 75-1.


It came down to two by the lightning round with first-timer Seamus giving the champ all he could handle.


This is what Champions are made of...